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New Organic Grower

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This revised edition is an undeniable classic among small producers and market growers. After researching and testing various techniques for years, author Eliot Coleman has condensed his wisdom into The New Organic Grower. Learn how to produce delectable, high-quality produce without using expensive chemical inputs. You’ll read about field-tested techniques, the best equipment to purchase and strategies for marketing your harvest. More than 45,000 copies sold since 1988. Paperback, 340 pages.

Key topics include:
โ€ข Building nutrient-dense soil with materials on your farm
โ€ข Simple, moveable structures that extend the season and increase crop yield
โ€ข Cold-tolerant plant varieties for more crops all year long
โ€ข Supporting plants so they fend off pests naturally
โ€ข Illustrations and photos offer detailed references

“This is the best book on small-scale farming I’ve read in years.โ€ โ€” Pat Stone, Mother Earth News

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