Showing 1–20 of 222 results
Natural Pest Control
We believe the logical solution to organic pest control is to create a balance of organisms in your yard or garden. In a diverse ecosystem pest populations are regulated naturally. Development of this balance relies on products that minimize harm to pollinators and other beneficial insects. Traps & Pheromone Lures are used to identify the presence of pests, and to help control them. If garden pests are present the least-toxic solutions should be used first — Barriers & Repellents, Beneficial Insects, Biological Pesticides, Soaps and Oils — with the more toxic (but short lived) Botanical or Natural Pesticides used only if necessary.
Traps & Lures
Containing NO toxins, traps use lures, visual cues or food to catch the "bad guys."
Barriers & Repellents
These easy to use deterrents protect your yard and gardens without harming a thing!
Beneficial Insects
Our large selection helps you match the correct predator/ parasite to the problem.
Biological pesticides are based on SAFE, naturally occurring bacteria, protozoa and fungi.
Soaps, Oils & More!
Made from minimally processed ingredients that are safer than traditional sprays.
Botanical Insecticides
Derived from plants, botanical insecticides provide a quick “knock down” when needed.
Flea & Tick
Get rid of of annoying fleas and ticks once and for all without harmful poisons.
Fungicides & Plant Disease
We offer least-toxic and earth-friendly fungicides to prevent most plant diseases.
Featured Products
Diatomaceous Earth
Contains diatomaceous earth, a fine powder made from tiny fossilized algae-like plants.
Mosquito Dunks
Kills mosquito larvae for 30 days! Will NOT harm people, pets, wildlife or fish.
Praying Mantis
Shipped as egg cases, praying mantis require several weeks of warm temps to hatch.
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Trichogramma Wasps
This small parasitic wasp — 1/50th inch — attacks the eggs of leaf eating caterpillars.
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