Cincinnati Market

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This 19th-century carrot-shaped variety is rare today. Seed Savers is keeping the Cincinnati Market Radish alive for growers who value the mild flavor, crisp texture and long roots. Only 25-35 days to maturity. Learn How to Grow Radishes here.

Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds.

Planting and Harvesting Tips:
This cool-weather crop can be planted early, as soon as the soil can be worked in spring and weeks before the last frost. Sow directly into prepared beds — no more than 1/2 inch deep — with rows spaced 8-18 inches apart. Thin to one seedling for every two inches.

Pull roots when they are of usable size — usually one inch in diameter — and relatively young. Check often, as they can turn from tasty to terrible in a short period of time.

Eric Vinje