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Creating Rain Gardens

Water-wise gardens are one of the big topics for gardeners today. Creating Rain Gardens teaches you how to capture and maximize the water that falls from the sky and passes through your land. Authors Cleo Woelfle-Erskine and Apryl Encipher give specific details about how to see your property as a system that can utilize every drop of water it has! Paperback, 203 pp.

Key Topics Include:
โ€ข Determining soil types and runoff patterns
โ€ข Building water-retaining features like swales
โ€ข Tips for low-precipitation areas
โ€ข Creating living roofs and drip-through patios
โ€ข Loads of diagrams and formulas
โ€ข Inspirational case studies

“A must-have for anyone who wants to maximize their water efficiency in the garden.” – Novella Carpenter, author of Farm City and The Essential Urban Farmer

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