Yellow of Parma

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Golden globes last a long time in storage! Yellow of Parma Onion (Allium cepa) is our favorite Italian variety with large — up to 1 pound — bulbs that are firm and not too strong in flavor. Ideal for cooked dishes or great raw! Long-day type. (110 days from transplant)

Each packet contains approximately 100 seeds.

Planting and Harvesting Tips:
Start indoors 10-12 weeks before the last frost date of spring. Keep trays at room temperature and do not allow to dry out. Transplant outside after the last frost, spacing 4-6 inches apart in all directions. Plants are shallow rooted and require fertile well-drained soil and constant surface moisture to thrive.

Allow tops to fall over naturally, then pull bulbs and let dry for two weeks. Watering prior to harvest makes pulling easier. After curing, store in a cool, dry location such as a root cellar.

Eric Vinje