Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate (Organic)

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Also known as Prince’s Feather, Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate (Persicaria orientale) is a one of a kind heirloom with many bell-shaped, pink flowers hanging from rope-like spikes. Plants reach 5- to 8-feet tall and create an eye-catching display when grown at the back of borders. Beautiful in bouquets too! (Annual) CERTIFIED ORGANIC

Each packet contains approximately 100 seeds.

Planting and Growing Tips:
This popular cottage garden flower grows easily in full sun to partial shade and prefers moist — not wet — well drained soil. Direct sow 1/4 inch deep in prepared beds after temperatures have warmed and keep moist. May also be started indoors in peat pots — plants do NOT transplant well. Thin seedlings 2- to 4-inches apart and provide support if necessary. Spread a nice layer of mulch around plants to conserve moisture, improve aesthetics and prevent weeds.

Note: To improve germination success, place seeds in a small amount of moist soil and store in your refrigerator crisper for several weeks prior to planting.

Eric Vinje