Johnny Jump-Up

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An old -time favorite, Johnny Jump-Ups (Viola Tricolor) are truly a classic garden flower. Low-maintenance plants are 5- to 6-inches tall and yield small, cheerful blooms of purple, white and yellow. Plants grow easily and self-seed almost anywhere there’s a bit of soil and adequate moisture. (Biennial) Learn How to Grow Pansies here.

Note: Like all violas, the petals are edible and can be used to liven up any dish.

Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds.

Planting and Growing Tips:
Plants thrive in cool, well-drained soil. They prefer partial shade, but will tolerate full sun where summers are cool. Surface sow or barely cover with soil 10- to 12-weeks before planting outside. Seedlings are ready to transplant when spring temperatures are still cool and plants are strong. Space 6-inches apart in all directions and water when needed to promote vibrant growth and good flower development.

Remove spent flowers on a regular basis to extend the blooming period. Plants are hardy and well known for being self-seeders.

Eric Vinje