They don’t call this one “Lucifer’s Dream” for giggles. Habanero Red (Capsicum chinense) is a scorching hot pepper, mightily productive, and has a lovely fruity taste and aroma. Plants are 3-ft. tall and ready 90-100 days from transplant.
Each packet contains approximately 25 seeds.
Planting and Harvesting Tips:
Crops require full sun, fast draining soil and regular water. Peppers grow best when temperatures are warm and need substantial heat to set fruit. Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost or, depending on your climate zone, sow directly in the garden after the soil has warmed. Allow 1-1/2 feet between plants in all directions; provide support for varieties that grow over one foot tall.
Harvest fruits early and often — the more you pick the more they will produce. Always cut — do NOT pull — fruits from plants. Most varieties can be eaten when green or under-ripe, however, the flavor improves as plants mature.