Goose Stopper

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How many great outings have been ruined when you stepped into a mess of bird droppings? Messinas Goose Stopper repellent keeps the stinky goo away from your lawn, deck or garden and reminds these birds that your place is not a nesting ground they want to claim. Apply at the first sign of foraging or contact with your property.

• All-natural — safe for humans, plants and animals
• Creates a sensory boundary that doesn’t impact people
• Dries clear and odorless
• Prevents destruction of prized plants
• Lasts for 30 days, even with consistent watering and rain

Available in 32-oz hose-end bottle (covers up to 10,000 square feet).

Active Ingredients:
Putrescent Whole Egg Solids ….. 5.80%
Rosemary Oil ….. 3.37%
Mint Oil ….. 3.37%

Inert Ingredients:
Kaolin, Potassium Sulfate, Sodium Chloride, Vinegar, Xanthan Gum, Water ….. 87.46%

Connect spray bottle to your garden hose and set to desired output. When using near edible crops, apply a perimeter application. Spray a fine mist to grass, turf, beaches, docks, walkways and other areas that need protection. When using near edible crops, apply a perimeter application. Repeat as needed, usually every 30 days.

Product Label – PDF
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF

Grower’s Tip:
Since geese typically return to the same nesting grounds year after year, use immediately when you see activity.

Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-888-349-0605 for pricing.
Eric Vinje