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Perfect for early spring gardens! Apollo Arugula (Eruca sativa) yields large, spicy leaves that are chock-full of nutrition. Sow in traditional rows or plant in 2X2 squares and you’ll be ready to harvest in less than 4 weeks! More heat tolerant than other types. (40-45 days) Learn How to Grow Garden Greens here.

Each packet contains approximately 500 seeds.

Planting and Harvesting Tips:
Plants require partial shade in warm climates, rich, well-drained soil and regular water. Sow directly into prepared beds 2-4 weeks before the last expected frost. Try broadcasting over a wide row and gently rake or tamp to a depth of 1/8 inch deep — barely cover!

To harvest, pinch or cut leaves just above the soil surface and allow to grow back. Continue harvesting over several months, or until plants begin to lose flavor. Once plants bolt (flower), the harvestable leaves will become bitter.