Nature Safe (8-5-5)
Perfect for lawns, flowers and vegetable gardens! Nature Safe Landscape Fertilizer delivers a balanced, slow-release fertility package that includes primary and secondary nutrients. OMRI Listed for use in organic production.
Available size: 50 lb Bag
Soil-Less Mixes: Blend 6 to 12 lbs per cubic yard of soil-less mix. Best if the soil-less mix contains natural soil microbes from compost or other sources.
Container Gardens: Top dress 0.4 ounces (12 gm) per gallon of container size. Apply every 3 to 4 months. Broadcast 15 to 20 lbs per 1,000 sq ft of liner or container area. Apply every 3 to 4 months.
Garden Pre-Plant: Apply 3 to 6 lbs per 100 sq ft and till into the soil 2 to 6 inches. Water after fertilizing and keep turf moist for 3 to 4 days.
Established Gardens: Side-dress 1 to 4 lbs per 100 sq ft Work into the soil and water. Apply every 2 months during growing season.
Shrubs: Spread 1 cup for every 2 feet of plant height around the base. Work into the soil and water. Apply 2 months during growing season.
New Trees: Apply 3/4 cup for every 2 feet of plant height around the base. Work into the soil and water. Apply in the spring and fall.
Established Trees: Apply 1/2 cup for every 2 feet of plant height in area under the branches. Work into the soil and water. Apply 2 months during growing season.
Ingredients: Meat meal, hydrolyzed feather meal, bone meal, blood meal and sulfate of potash.