Semaspore Bait
Semaspore Bait by Planet Natural contains Nosema locustae, a naturally occurring grasshopper control. After eating Semaspore, grasshoppers become sick, eat less and begin to die. The disease spore spreads to healthy grasshoppers through cannibalism.
In 2-4 weeks, 50% of the grasshopper population will die, and most survivors will be infected to continue spreading the disease. Infected survivors eat 75% less than healthy grasshoppers and lay fewer eggs. Will NOT harm people, pets or the environment.
Learn more about Lasting Grasshopper Protection with Modern Baits here.
Hand broadcast or use a “Whirlybird” spreader to apply 1 pound Semaspore Bait per acre when grasshoppers are nymphs (majority 1/2″ to 3/4″ size). Treat hatching beds (grassy areas of unbroken ground) where nymphs are seen. Do NOT apply if rain is expected within 8 hours.
Note: Semaspore has an 8 week shelf life – 5 months if refrigerated.
Active Ingredient:
Nosema locustae ….. 0.05%
(Contains 1.0 x 109 viable Nosema spores per pound)
Other Ingredients ….. 99.95%
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF
Wholesale Inquiries: If you are a retailer interested in offering Semaspore Bait to your customers please e-mail us at or call 1-888-349-0605.