Sunberry (Organic)

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Fast growing and prolific, Sunberry (Solanum burbankii) yields small, slightly sweet, dark purple berries on dwarf plants. Chock-full of vitamin-C, the ripe fruit is delightful when eaten fresh or cooked in pies and preserves. (50-75 days) CERTIFIED ORGANIC

Each packet contains approximately 50 seeds.

Planting and Harvesting Tips:
Start plants indoors 4-8 weeks prior to the last frost of spring. Surface sow or barely cover with soil to speed germination. Keep planting trays warm and do not allow to dry out — keep moist! Transplant outside after the soil has warmed. Space seedlings 1-2 feet apart in all directions.

Fruits turn from green to purple-black when ripe. To harvest, gently roll the berries with your fingers — do NOT pull — and they will fall right off the stem. Flavors are best when cooked with sugar in pies, preserves and desserts.