Moisture Meter

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The Rapitest Moisture Meter measures water at the root level – where it matters! No longer will you risk over watering a healthy plant just because the soil near the surface is dry – or under water because it appears moist.

Ideal for houseplants, window boxes, patio tubs and hanging baskets. Includes a watering guide and special needs table for over 150 plants. Batteries NOT required.


Step 1: Simply insert the Rapitest probe deep into the soil of any pot or planter.

Step 2: A tiny amount of electrical energy will be generated by the moisture, which will cause the meter needle to register moisture levels from 0 to 10.

Step 3: Remember that soil may look and feel dry on the surface; however, there may actually be no need to water where it counts.

Grower’s Tip:
For use in soil only. Do NOT use in liquids.

Eric Vinje