Also called touch-me-not, Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) has ornamental gray-green leaves that close quickly and droop when touched. Puffy pink flowers — 1 inch wide — add to the charm of this tropical conversation piece. Plants grow 10- to 18-inches tall and are perfect for beds, borders and containers. Also grown inside as a popular houseplant. (Annual)
Each packet contains approximately 100 seeds.
Planting and Growing Tips:
Native to Brazil, this curious plant is grown as a perennial in tropical climates or as a tender annual in cooler regions. Sow indoors 6- to 8-weeks before the last frost date of spring or direct sow — 1/8 inch deep — in sunny and warm garden beds. Seeds can be chipped and soaked for better germination. Thin 12- to 18-inches apart and mulch to prevent weeds, improve aesthetics and conserve moisture. Keep soil moist but not wet.
Note: Common insect pests attacking plants include spider mites, thrips and mealybugs. Watch closely and apply organic pesticides, if necessary.