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Native to the western United States, this easy growing wildflower produces bright, beautiful blooms with ample nectar — no wonder it’s a favorite of bees and butterflies! Rocky Mountain Beeplant (Cleome serrulata) prefers well-drained soils and grows well in both shade and full sunlight. (Annual)

Seed pack (1.5 gm) treats 100 square feet.

Elongated clusters of pink to reddish-purple flowers along tall, leafy stems.
Height: 2 to 4′ tall.
Zone: 3 – 10
Bloom Time: July – September

The ideal time to plant wildflowers is either in the spring (one month prior to date of last hard freeze) or late fall (after October).

For even distribution, combine with clean, dry sand at a ratio of 4:1 (sand to seed) and scatter by hand or mechanical spreader. Gently rake over the area covering to a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch or 2-3 times the seed diameter. Keep moist for 4-6 weeks to ensure the best germination.

Soak seeds for 48 hours prior to planting. Do NOT let seed dry out during germination.

Eric Vinje