Hollyhock (Organic)

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An endless supply of blossoms! This classic hollyhock variety (Alcea rosea) yields showy, single blooms of white, pink, magenta and burgundy along sturdy, 4- to 9-foot stalks. Often used in borders or along walls and fences where their spectacular flowers stand tall. Blooms the second year and easily re-seeds. (Biennial) CERTIFIED ORGANIC. Learn How to Grow Hollyhocks here.

Each packet contains approximately 250 seeds.

Planting and Growing Tips:
Perfect for adding vertical interest to gardens, this easy to grow heirloom thrives in full sun to partial shade and rich, moist soil. Sow outdoors just beneath the soil surface 1- to 2-weeks before the last frost of spring. Thin seedlings 18- to 36-inches apart and water as needed. When flowers fade, cut stalks to the ground.

Plants are vulnerable to several insect and disease problems. Watch closely and treat with organic products when necessary.

Eric Vinje