The Ultimate Cloche (6pk)

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Get a head start to your growing season by using a Greenhouse Bucket — it’s the ultimate garden cloche!  Works like a portable miniature greenhouse and provides protection from frost, pests, wind and weather.

Sold 6 per pack. Heavy duty ground pegs (sold separately, 3-pack) can be used for added security in windy locations.

• Made from a tough, UV stabilized translucent material — lasts for years!
• Large adjustable vent ring helps control internal temperature and humidity
• Night time condensation recycles water and reduces watering needs
• Improves seedling health and plant growth rates
• Stackable for convenient storage
• Proudly made in the USA

Base Diameter:  14-inches
Height:  14-inches
Volume:  5 gallons
Weight Each:  1.5 pounds
Material:  Clarified Polypropylene with UV stabilizer

User’s Tip:
When purchasing starts for your garden we recommend using smaller starts. They typically suffer less transplant shock and their root system will have a much better chance of developing naturally.

Eric Vinje