Tom Thumb (Organic)

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Also known as squirrel tooth, Tom Thumb Popcorn (Zea mays) is a popular open pollinated variety developed at the University of New Hampshire. Dwarf, 3- to 4-foot tall plants are good for short-season growing areas and yield two to three, 4-inch ears per stalk. A cold climate favorite! (85-90 days) CERTIFIED ORGANIC. Learn How to Grow Corn here.

Each packet contains approximately 50 seeds.

Planting and Harvesting Tips:
Plant this warm-season vegetable directly into the soil two weeks after your average last-frost date. Sow 1 inch deep, 8 to 12 inches apart. Crops require full sun, ample water and deep rich organic soil to perform well.

Harvest ears three weeks after tassels appear. Look for brown silks, dark green husks and plump kernels that squirt “milky” liquid when pinched; clear juice is immature. Prepare and cook shortly after picking — flavor is lost quickly!

Eric Vinje