Bulb Food (3-8-8)

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Fox Farm Happy Frog Bulb Food contains extra phosphorus for sustained flowering and potassium to help plants become more disease resistant. Works great on tulips, daffodils, gladiolus, dahlias and all flowering plants and trees. Happy Frog Organic Fertilizers include mycorrhizae and humic acid.

Available size: 4 lb Bag


Potted Plants: Use 1-2 Tbsp per bulb and mix into soil.

Gardens: Mix 1-2 Tbsp into the bottom of each hole or topdress 1-2 Tbsp around bulbs.

Ingredients: Feather meal, bone meal, sulfate of potash magnesia, bat guano, rock phosphate, kelp meal and gypsum.

Grower’s Tip:
When planting in containers try to keep at least 3 inches of soil beneath bulbs. How much soil to have over them depends on the type of plant (see planting instructions).

Eric Vinje