Scarlet Runner

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An old-time heirloom variety! Scarlet Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus) is highly ornamental with its attractive foliage and bright red flowers. High yielding with slender pods that can be shelled fresh. Large plants grow 12-15 feet tall and are attractive to hummingbirds. Pole habit. (68 days)

Each packet contains approximately 25 seeds.

Planting and Harvesting Tips:
Plant directly into rich, fast draining soil in spring after the soil has warmed. Sow 1 inch deep and 2-4 inches apart in rows 18-24 inches apart. Soaking 1-2 hours prior to planting will speed germination. Thin when seedlings emerge so that bush varieties are 5 to 6 inches apart; pole varieties 6 to 8 inches apart.

Pick often to keep plants productive; when harvesting immature pods you encourage new blooms to form. Look for firm, sizable pods and pinch off with your thumbnail and fingers.

Eric Vinje