Home Grown (3-2-2)


It’s worth investing in the plants that will feed you all year long. Dr. Earth Home Grown Tomato Fertilizer contains premium nutrition that gives your plants (and body!) an excellent range of micro and macronutrients. You won’t believe the results!

• Specially formulated for edible plants, including root crops
• No questionable additives like GMOs, harsh chemicals or biosolids
• Increases soil microbe health and activity
• Completely safe around pets and people
• Made in the USA!

Available in 24-oz. liquid concentrate and 32-oz. hose end spray bottle.


Concentrate: Mix 4 Tbsp (2 oz) per gallon of water and apply as a foliar spray or apply directly to the soil around the base of plants. Apply every two weeks for maximum results.

Hose End Spray: Attach to your garden hose and spray desired area. Apply every two weeks for maximum results. Each bottle covers up to 1200 sq. ft.

Ingredients: Fish bone meal, fish meal, soft rock phosphate, mined potassium sulfate, kelp meal, seaweed extract, and earthworm castings. Also contains humic acid (5%), aloe vera (2%), and yucca extract (1%), and prebiotic microbial food — soluble sugars (7%).

Grower’s Tip:
Using organic fertilizers helps increase soil fertility and productivity, with no salt build-up!

Eric Vinje