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Sutton’s Harbinger (Organic)

This heirloom variety from England (Pisum sativum) bears heavily and is best eaten fresh. Youโ€™ll start harvesting Sutton’s Harbinger Pea early (52-60 days) and have plenty to pick. Perfect for children to enjoy! At 28-32ย in.ย tall, this variety will need a trellis for support.ย CERTIFIED ORGANIC. Here are our best tips onย How to Grow Peas, too!

Each packet contains approximately 100 seeds.

Planting and Harvesting Tips:
This cool season crop thrives in sandy, fast draining soil and full sun. Sow in spring, no deeper than one inch and 2-3 inches apart in all directions. For bush types, space rows two feet apart; space climbing varieties in rows three feet apart or in double rows 6-8 inches apart with a trellis, fence, etc. Allow three feet between each double row.

Harvest pods when they are plump — usually three weeks after flowers appear — then shell and eat immediately; pods that are discolored or shriveled are past their prime. Harvest daily to keep plants productive.

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