- Organic Gardeningโ
- Natural Pest Control+
- Growing Indoors+
- Healthy Living+

Earthworm Castings
Mother Nature’s best kept secret! Wiggle Wormโข Soil Builder Pure Earthworm Castings (1-0-0) contain aย perfect mix of readily available plant nutrients, plusย aย wide variety of minerals and trace elements. When applied to your gardens this non-burning, long lasting organic plant food will provide AMAZING results!
โข Ideal for houseplants, vegetables and flowers
โขย A small amount goes a long way!
โข Beautiful growth and yields of your plants
โข Odor free!
โข OMRI Listed for use in organic production
Available size: 30 lb Bag
Vegetables and Annual Flowers
Line bottom and sides of plant holes with 1-2 inches. Set seeds orย seedlings in place and cover with soil. Side dress during the growing season at a rate of 1/2 cup per plant or 1 cup per linear foot of garden row every two months.
Transplant: Place 1/2 handful into hole. Add plant and fill with soil.
Established: Use 10-20 lbs per 1000 sq. ft. Sprinkle on soil near plant and water.
Perennial Flowers
Work 1/2 cup Wiggle Wormโข into soil above the root zone taking care not to damage shallow roots. Apply in spring, early summer and fall.
Potted Plants, Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes
New: For potting mix, use 1 part to 4 parts growing media.
Established: Add 1 inch to containers. Mix in taking care not to damage shallow roots. Water thoroughly and repeat every 2-3 months.
Roses, Trees, Shrubs and Berries
New: Mix 1 part to 3 parts soil. Fill newly dug hole with mixture.
Established:ย Use 2 lbs perย inch of tree trunk diameter. Spread evenly over root area and water.
Compost Tea
Soak 1 part Wiggle Wormโข in 3 parts water for 12-24 hours. Stir well and water as usual. Compost tea is excellent for fruiting, flowering or difficult to access potted plants. Aerate if possible. Best when used within 24 hours.
New:ย Apply 20-30 lbs per 1000 sq ft. Rake into topsoil.ย Add grass seed and water well.
Established:ย Broadcast 15-20 lbs per 1000 sq ft as a top dressing. Add 2-3 times per year.