Voodoo Juice

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100% ORGANIC. Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice contains 5 strains of beneficial bacteria (every liter contains 50 billion microbes) that colonize the plant’s root system facilitating the conversion of nutrients. These nutrients are converted to forms that become bio-available to the plants while also stimulating explosive root growth.

This proprietary solution helps plants acquire vital nutrients and moisture, which massively enhances plant growth. In testing, root mass has been found to increase over control plants as much as 90%. NOT a mycorrhizal mixture.

• 100% Organic
• Microbes are ready to “hatch” within your garden
• Increases root mass as much as 90%
• Super-concentrated — 50 billion microbes per litre
• Plants respond with massive growth
• Fixes nitrogen from the air into an immediately useable form

Available in 1- and 4-liter sizes.

Mix 2 ml per liter (0.4 tsp per quart) during weeks 1 and 2 of your flowering phase.

Product Label (PDF)

Grower’s Tip:
Combined with Tarantula and Piranha to create the most diverse and potent plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) populations possible.

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Eric Vinje