Soil Tester
The Rapitest Soil Tester includes 5 color coded sample tubes and a color comparison chart for analyzing the following (2 tests each – 10 total):
Nitrogen (N): Directly responsible for healthy green leaves.
Phosphorus (P): Vital for healthy root development.
Potassium/ Potash (K): Essential for flower and fruit development.
pH: Controls how plants utilize the nitrogen, phosphorus and potash available to them. All plants have a pH preference, so it’s important to know the pH level of your soil. You can then choose plants with the same pH preference, or change the pH to meet the requirements of the plants in your garden.
Step 1: Remove cap from one of the tubes. Remove the green capsules.
Step 2: Fill with soil to the first line.
Step 3: Carefully open a green capsule and add powder.
Step 4: Fill with water (preferably distilled) to the fourth line.
Step 5: Cap and shake thoroughly.
Step 6: Allow soil to settle and color to develop for about one minute.
Step 7: Compare color of solution to the pH color chart. Repeat for remaining capsules.