If you like poppies you’re gonna’ love this beautiful mix. Contains both annual and perennial varieties of some of the most popular poppy species. Use to create a vibrant cascade of color… just about anywhere!
Seed pack (1 oz) treats 100 square feet.
Shirley Poppy, Red Corn Poppy, Iceland Poppy, Orange California Poppy, Red California Poppy, White California Poppy and Mexican Poppy.
The ideal time to plant wildflowers is either in the spring (one month prior to date of last hard freeze) or late fall (after October).
For even distribution, combine with clean, dry sand at a ratio of 4:1 (sand to seed) and scatter by hand or mechanical spreader. Gently rake over the area covering to a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch or 2-3 times the seed diameter. Keep moist for 4-6 weeks to ensure the best germination.