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BLOWOUT SALE! Are your plant’s roots performing at their very best? Dutch Master ZONE ensures that your root systems and environment are optimized so that fast growing plants take up everything they need – all of the time!

For best results, use the online Nutrient Calculator (external link) for an individualized program to suit your needs.

Available in a 250 mL bottle.


Light Strength: Use this schedule from the day you plant to the day you harvest for worry free gardening! Recommended for start-up initial use and for continual use when water temperature is below 70°F. Add at the rate of 1 tsp per 5 gallons of final reservoir volume, after you have added your primary nutrients and all additives.

Medium Strength: Recommended whenever your water temperature reaches or exceeds 74°F. Root systems can quickly get out of balance when water temperatures reach or exceed this mark. Using this product, before problems occur, will optimize the conditions around plant roots until water temperature falls back into the safe area below 70°F. Add at the rate of 2 tsp per 5 gallons of final reservoir volume, after you have added your primary nutrients and all additives.

Aggressive Strength: Recommended at the first sign of problems. Very effective at quickly re-establishing optimal root conditions. Once your plants have regained their vigor, return to using medium strength for the remainder of your growing and flowering cycles. Add at the rate of 2-1/2 tsp per 5 gallons of final reservoir volume, after you have added your primary nutrients and all additives.

Eric Vinje