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Beneficial Insects

We really like helping nature take its course.

Using beneficial insects instead of reaching for toxic pesticides not only makes your garden safe for all living creatures, but it can drastically increase pollination rates and plant production. Start here to find out how to put Mother Nature on your side.

Bees In Peril

Beneficial Insects

Bee deaths accelerate again this year. Why are they dying at such an alarming rate?

Butterflies, Bees, Organic Corn

Beneficial Insects

... and other good gardening news for the New Year.

Butterfly Gardening Resource Guide

Beneficial Insects

Attracting and benefiting from our most beautiful pollinators.

Organic Gardening Pest Control

Beneficial Insects

Natural solutions for stopping pests without harmful pesticides.

Diatomaceous Earth and Bees

Beneficial Insects

This effective, organic pest killer (it's not a poison) won't hurt bees if used wisely.

Bees, Butterflies Both Battling Demise

Beneficial Insects

Pesticide use may leave us a world without pollinators.

Charlotte's Web ... In Your Garden

Beneficial Insects

Spiders are generally of two kinds, the web spinners or weavers, and the hunters.

Beneficial Insects 101 - A Good Bugs Guide

Beneficial Insects

It’s a bug eat bug world out there!

Ladybug or Ladybeetle?

Beneficial Insects

Why this gardener's friend is better than pesticides.

Bee Decline and Chemical Companies

Beneficial Insects

Bayer CropScience claims its pesticides aren't involved in colony collapse, blames mites.

Bees Swarm Media

Beneficial Insects

Learn how bees play an important role in agriculture and everyday life.

Ladybugs To the Rescue

Beneficial Insects

Learn how to fight garden pests with the best known insect predator available.