Growing herbs indoors is not only fun but incredibly rewarding. Nothing has the ability to add a flare to your cooking like adding fresh herbs to soups and stews, and even salads.
Not only are herbs aromatic, but their bright color and flavors complement a wide variety of dishes. If growing herbs indoors is something youโve always wanted to do, then this guide is absolutely perfect for you!
We go over not only how to get started though, but also which herbs are the easiest to grow indoors, and how to care for them every step of the way.
So, read on to learn everything you need to know about growing herbs indoors. Grow beautiful flowers, herbs and vegetables together in Emily's Garden!
Emily's Garden
How to Care for Herbs Grown Indoors
Herbs grow bestย when they get full sun. To grow herbs indoors, place them near the brightest window possible. A south or southwest-facing window with direct sunlight is ideal.
Always keep in mind that herbs require a lot of light. Most herbs require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day and will thrive in a bright, south-facing window.
Other herbs can withstand 4 hours of direct sunlight and will thrive in an east or west-facing window.
If you don’t get enough sunlight in your house or apartment, you can supplement natural light with an LED grow light as well.
We recommend rotating potted indoor herbs once a week to expose all sides of the plant equally to sunlight. This will promote more even growth. Providesย a bright, perfectly controlled environment that's built to last!#1 GROW TENT
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South-facing windows receive the most light and receive the most hours of sunlight, whereas east- and west-facing windows receive sun for a portion of the day in the morning or afternoon. The sun shines brightly for longer hours in the summer. Some herbs may find this too much. Sofor the summer, consider moving your herbsย toย a window that faces east or west.
The winter sun is not as strong or as long. For the winter, place your indoor herb garden in a bright, south-facing window to get the most light.
Use a grow light or fluorescent light as an additional source of lighting if your home does not have a sunny south-facing window.
Water canย helpย and hurtย herbs. Water is obviously necessary for plants to grow, but too much water can cause root rot in herbs.
Put your finger into the soil up to your first knuckle to test the soil’s moisture content before watering your indoor herbs in pots. It’s time to water if the soil feels dry. If it feels moist, wait a day or two and check again. Ideal for shelves or over bench tops -- extremely powerfulย withย very low heat!T5 GROW LIGHT
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Use a tray or saucer underneath your herb plants, and pour out any excess water that may accumulate in the tray.
A windowsill above a kitchen sink provides a small amount of additional humidity, which is particularly beneficial during the winter months when the air inside a heated home becomes extremely dry.
You can also increase humidity by putting pots on a pebble-filled, waterproof tray and letting the water from the pots drain into the tray when you water the plants.
As water evaporates from the tray, the air around the plant will become more humid. Another option is to keep a humidifier nearby.
Herbs prefer temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure your herb plants’ leaves don’t touch the windows if you want your indoor herb garden to thrive during a harsh winter. A favorite! Thisย ready to use formula is made withย only the finestย ingredients.#1 POTTING SOIL
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Most herbs don’t mind if your house temperature drops into the 50s at night, but basil is particularly sensitive to cold temperatures. Keep basil in an area that stays around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Air Circulation
Make sure your herb plants have good air circulation. The herbs won’t get enough airflow if they are too close to one another, which can facilitate in the spread of disease.
Rearranging your herb garden on a regular basis is a good idea. Avoid allowing the air around your plants to become stale and stagnant. If your indoor herb garden lacks adequate air circulation, place a fan around the plants, but avoid blowing directly on them.
Due to the fact that indoor herbs cannot obtain nutrients from garden soil and rain, they require a little boost from fertilizer. Choose from a balanced, all-purpose plant foodย or a liquid fish emulsion.
Half the recommended amount of plant food should be used every other week when herbs are growing. In the case of fertilizer, too little is preferable to too much.
What are the Best Herbs to Grow Indoors?
At first, it might be tempting to jump right in and grow a lot of different herbs. In any case, you’ll have a better chance of success if you zero in on just a few that you’re confident you’ll use frequently.
There are some herbs that are easier to cultivate indoors than others. These include basil, chives, cilantro, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, and thyme. We recommend you start with these and build up your indoor herb collection as you go.
How to Plant and Grow Herbs Indoors
Once you know which herbs youโre going with, youโll need to go gather some supplies and then dive right into it. This section will go through everything youโll need and how to get started:
Herbs have different needs for sun, water, fertilizer, and harvesting. They also grow at different rates. It is simple to meet each herb’s specific needs when it is grown in a separate container.
You may need to relocate your herbs to a different window or water them more than the others. Having each plant in its own container allows you to be more flexible.
Your containers must have a minimum 6-inch diameter and 6-inch depth. If you start with seeds, you can start small and then pot up as your plants grow.
Basil and parsley have deep roots, so a taller container will allow them to spread out. Aim for at least 12 inches deep.
Drainage plays a crucial role. Herbs don’t do well in soil that is always wet. In order for extra water to drain out, your pot’s bottom needs to have a sufficient number of drainage holes. Use a saucer or tray to keep moisture off of your windowsill which you can easily find at a garden center near you.
You can grow herbs in almost any container you can think of. Terra cotta, being porous and breathable, is usually moreย preferable to plastic or ceramic containers, which tend to retain more moisture. Growing herbs in clay pots have been found to increase their success rate.
For your windowsill herb garden, pick a high-quality organic soilless potting mixture. The objective is a balance between good drainage and moderate moisture retention.
For indoor container plants, a good potting mix should be airy, fluffy, and well-draining. The herb might have trouble if the potting soil is too wet.
Don’t use soil from your garden because it will be too heavy for containers and may have pests or diseases.
Look for a soilless potting mix with peat moss (or coconut coir), vermiculite, and perlite.
Some indoor herbs require a sandier soil mix. To do so, combine equal parts of all-purpose potting mix and sharp sand.
How to Plant Herbs When Growing Indoors
Purchase Herb Plants
You can get your windowsill herb garden up and running quickly and easily by purchasing plants from a nursery and repotting them into your chosen containers. Herb starts can be bought at your local nursery or grocery store if you’re following this method.
Grow from Stem Cuttings
Sprouts can be cut from an outdoor herb garden, rooted in water, and planted in pots.
Herb cuttings can be used to quickly establish plants by propagating them. Cut a 5-inch stem, remove the bottom few inches of leaves, immerse the stem in water to root, plant in pots once roots appear, and water frequently until established. Then, as needed, water.
If you learn this skill, you can use it on many other plants as well.
Divisions from Your Garden
Herbs can be dug, divided, and potted from established garden plants. Chives, lemon balm, mint, oregano, sweet marjoram, and thyme are some of the most successful herbs to establish and growย from divisions.
If you have houseplants, it’s best to isolate any new plants from the garden for a while to make sure they didn’t bring in any unwanted visitors like pests or diseases.
Keep an eye on these but put them away in a different room for a few weeks to make sure there are no surprises.
Start Herbs from Seed
Growing herbs from seed takes much longer. However, annual herbs can be easily started from seeds indoors. Examples include basil, cilantro, dill, and parsley. Starting herbs from seeds is a great way to grow a lot of plants if you enjoy the nurturing process of planting and caring for plants. Theseย high-performance beauties offerย dimmable settings and wireless control.A BESTSELLER!
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Companion Planting Herbs
When youโre just starting off with growing your own herbs indoors, we recommend you plant them all in separate containers to really be able to care of each plant separately.
We have a variety of plant guides online on our website here for you to be able to easily and quickly read up on any kind of herb youโre growing indoors, and weโre certain that will help tremendously.
Different herbs like different growing conditions. For example, Mediterranean herbs like sage, thyme, and rosemary prefer dry soil, while mint is a more moisture-loving herb,
So, if youโre looking to plant herbs together, here are a few different ways to group them:
Moisture Loving Herbs: Basil, cilantro, parsley, and mint
Dry Soil Preferring Herbs: Chives, oregano, sage, rosemary, sweet marjoram, and thyme
Cold-Hardy Herbs: Chives, mint, parsley, oregano, sage, and thyme
Slow-growing herbs: Chives, mint, oregano, sage, and thyme
Tips and Tricks for Growing Herbs Indoors
If youโre looking to grow herbs indoors but donโt feel confident enough at the moment, donโt fret! Luckily, technology has advanced significantly over the past decade and we now have many different smart indoor gardens that do most of the work for you! Pssst! Tell your friends that you got this WICKED GOODย deal at Planet Natural.SUPER SAVINGS!
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Two great companies to check out include AeroGarden and Click and Grow. The former has a wide range of indoor gardens, including the incredibly popular AeroGarden Harvest.
Click and Grow also has a wide variety of options to choose from, including a specialized one for growing leafy greens such as lettuce called Click and Grow 25.
These indoor gardening systems are truly smart, and many even come with vacation mode, wi-fi connectivity features, and app compatibility to make it incredibly easy to grow herbs indoors.
They all come with LED grow lights to make sure you can grow your plants throughout the year in the comfort of your home without ever having to worry about the weather outside. They come as a starter kit with their own seed pods so that you have everything you need to get started right away without any hassle whatsoever.
We have specific reviews and guides on both AeroGarden and Click and Grow that we recommend you check out if youโre interested.
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