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Local Food

The freshest food is always close to home.

It may seem that processed food rules the agricultural world, but local food sources are making a strong comeback. These articles document the benefits and the possibilities when you decide to know and trust your farmers.

Food Foraging 101


Here's our go-to guide for anyone interested in foraging foods for your table.

Organic Tomatoes = More Nutrition


The latest information on healthy, heirloom, organically raised tomatoes. Grow them yourself!

Permaculture: Local and Sustainable


How to put natural, sustainable gardening principles to use in your own backyard.

Heartened In the Heartland


We just returned from a tour of the heartland that gave perspective to the state of midwest farming.

Homegrown Tomato Time


Whether heirlooms or hybrids, tomatoes from your garden taste best.

Organic Food: New Study, Bad Reporting


To make the conclusion that the Stanford researchers did, let alone what headline writers did with it, is dishonest.

Free at the Farmers' Market: Advice


It's reassuring that farmer's markets are alive and well in this age of industrial agriculture and processed food.

Knee High In Corn


Sweet corn has a long organic growing history in the U.S. GMOs? Are you kidding?

Tomatoes: Taste? Or Color?


Why does a commercial tomato not taste as great as a homegrown heirloom?

Midwest Farmers' Markets


Some of the best farmers’ markets can be found -- in season -- in the American midwest.

The Heirloom Life Gardener


The Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company has become something of a green giant with a cutting edge business model.

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