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The Blog: Welcome

Welcome to the Planet Natural Gardening Blog, a clearinghouse for all things green and growing.

Planet Natural BlogWhat are we about? Organic gardening, sustainability and the natural lifestyle, of course. That means you’ll find how-to articles on raising healthy, great-tasting, heirloom vegetables, growing beautiful landscapes and flowers, composting and improving soil health. We’re all about controlling weeds without harmful herbicides and pests without toxic pesticides. We’re engaged in conserving water and xeriscaping, growing herbs, raising cover crops and all the wise-use practices that make for sustainable, healthy gardens and landscapes.

The practice of growing organically is as old as gardening itself. It’s only in the last several generations that we’ve embraced the chemical fertilizers and risky pesticides that lead to short-term production gains while sacrificing our soil, our wildlife and our very health. Like you, we want to protect the small environment of our backyards and the great environment of the world at large.

We’re also about the food we feed our families and how we can keep it as safe and nutritious as possible. We report on the often harmful practices of corporate agriculture and follow the movement against genetically modified seed and food products. We champion small farms, organic growers and local businesses. We write on how to engage and educate children about gardening and where our food comes from as well as keeping our homes and our bodies clean and at their healthy best without the use of harmful products. We like to think that the Planet Natural Blog has something for everyone.

The Planet Natural Blog is about information; its discovery, its sharing, its application — the knowledge that will make us more effective, more efficient gardeners, better protectors of our families and keepers of the environment. In a larger sense, our blog is about community, the coming together of people with the experience and knowledge that will make us wiser and more efficient organic gardeners. The Planet Natural Blog is a place to share gardening success and seek answers to problems, a place to find new ideas and discover tried-and-true methods.

Whether you’re following the discussion here or over on our Facebook page (or checking in on both) we want your participation. Whether it’s natural growers coming together in gardening clubs, in shared or community plots, on city roof-tops or abandoned lots or during a casual exchange of ideas with a neighbor over the garden fence; it’s all about knowledge. We want you to share yours with us. If there are issues we’ve overlooked, or we’ve missed some important news on subjects we’re all interested in — say, GMOs, climate change or dangers of pesticide use — let us know! After all, this planet belongs to all of us. Let’s take care of it – and us! – the best way we know how.

Eric Vinje

2 Responses to “The Blog: Welcome”

  1. Teri McGowan on March 22nd, 2014 at 9:27 pm #

    I live in northern Arizona @ about 6500′. Where my ranch is, it is basically one big rock. Several thousands of years ago a volcano blew & I got alot of rock which are mainly limestone. Can’t dig in soil because of rocks so I’m using old bathtubs. Been using Miracle Grow Garden Soil mixed with some of the soil from underneath the Juniper trees. Haven’t had a problem in the past but I’m wondering if I should be using something other than the miracle grow garden soil.

  2. Matt on March 22nd, 2015 at 2:42 pm #

    I love what you guys are doing, I think if more people pitched in to make the world a greener place things would be a whole lot better. Even if we take baby steps we’re moving in the right direction.