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  • Lawn grubs

    Created by Ted on

    Hello –

    I have Japanese Beetle grubs in about 30 sq ft of my 6000 sq ft. lawn. The raccoons have torn the grass to shreds. What product would you recommend for lawn grubs?

    Thank you!

  • Author
  • #210107

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Ted –

    In my opinion the best product for Japanese beetle lawn grubs is Milky Spore. However, it spreads slowly as each infected beetle larvae dies, decomposes and releases billions of new spores into the soil. Each 10 oz can treats 2,500 sq ft which is much more than you need, but I don’t think you can go wrong over-applying it!

    Another option would be to top-dress the damaged area with Beneficial Nematodes. They work much faster than milky spore powder, but cover a smaller area. One pint covers approximately 300-500 square feet.

    Learn more about Japanese beetles here https://www.planetnatural.com/pest-problem-solver/lawn-pests/japanese-beetle-control/.

    Hope this helps!

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