Old Seed? Or New?

How long seeds last depends on the type of seed and the conditions in which itโs stored.
Hybrid Sweet Corn – Sweeter Than Ever

But there’s no sugar-coating restrictions on its use.
Cover Crops? Smother Crops!

Planting green manures to manage weeds eliminates the need for risky herbicides.
Water Purity and Organic Gardening

The small things we do to keep pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals out of our water supply.
Winter Gardening

Protecting garden soil and starting vegetable seed outdoors in the dead of winter.
A World of Heirlooms

The Whole Seed Catalog is a compendium of news and information about the growing of heirloom vegetables and flowers.
Seed Sprouting … With Kids!

Learn along with your children while growing delicious sprouted seeds.
Gardener’s New Year Resolutions

Gardening practice, like the garden itself, can always be improved. We resolve to do more, do better.
Winter In the Garden

May your holiday season, like your gardening season, be joyous.
Ornamental Berries for the Holidays

Red holly and ornamental berries of all hues bring color to winter gardens.
Bee Decline and Chemical Companies

Bayer CropScience claims its pesticides aren’t involved in colony collapse, blames mites.
Integrated Pest Management: Common Sense Compendium

For years, this go-to book has shown gardeners how to cut out the harmful chemicals.