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How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Marble Queen Pothos

Marble Queen Pothos Leaves

Marble Queen pothos (Epipremnum aureum) deserves a place in your home if you’re just getting started with houseplants or just enjoy the ease of growing low-maintenance plants. This tropical vining plant is drought resistant and not overly picky about the soil or light.

The Marble Queen cultivar has beautiful variegated leaves and trailing vines that can grow up, down, or across any surface. It has the classic heart-shaped leaves as pothos do, and it’s generally easy to care for just like other types of pothos.

This stunning house plant can survive in your home even if you don’t get a ton of sunlight through the windows. And if you tend to forget to water your plants often, it’s low-maintenance, drought-resistant nature will definitely come in handy. It’s no wonder that it’s such a beloved houseplant!

If you’re interested in learning how to plant, grow, and care for marble queen pothos, then keep on reading!

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’

Common Name: Marble queen pothos, devil’s ivy, money plant

Family: Araceae

Plant Type: Perennial, vine

Hardiness Zones: 11a – 12b (USDA)

Sun Exposure: Partial sun

Soil Type: Loamy, well-draining soil

Soil pH: Mildy acidic (6.0 – 6.5)

Height: Up to 10 ft

Bloom Time: Spring, summer

Native Area: Australia, French Polynesia

Quick Guide: Planting, Growing & Caring for Marble Queen Pothos Plants

  • Marble queen pothos is a relatively common type of pothos that’s easily available in plant shops and nurseries
  • It’s really adaptable and can grow in a wide range of growing conditions.
  • It can be used as a ground cover, climbing vine, or a small hanging plant.
  • Marble queen pothos prefers bright indirect sunlight but can also thrive in low light.
  • The best time to water it is when the top 2 to 3 inches of soil are dry.
marble queen pothos houseplant

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

Marble Queen Pothos Care

The Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’) is a relatively common pothos variety. Almost any plant shop will have some on hand. It has highly variegated light green leaves that complement almost any interior design and is also extremely easy to care for in a variety of growing conditions.

Pothos, a common houseplant, has small heart-shaped leaves on thin vines that rarely grow taller than 10 feet. The marble queen pothos is like other common types of pothos in that it grows well indoors and can adapt to a wide range of growing conditions.

This makes it a versatile plant that is great for beginners. It is extremely adaptable and can be used as a ground cover, a climbing vine, or a small hanging plant.

Marble queen pothos are typically low-maintenance and problem-free houseplants. However, problems may arise if you do not water your plant properly or if it does not receive sufficient light.


Marble queen pothos, like most pothos, prefers bright indirect sunlight but can also thrive in low light. Although they can tolerate brief periods of direct morning or evening light, you should generally keep your marble queen pothos out of the sun.

This means that your Marble Queen Pothos will thrive outside in a container or hanging basket that is shaded all day with no direct sunlight or only gets direct sunlight in the morning.

If you notice your marble pothos leaves going entirely green, then this means the plant is not getting enough light to maintain the white variegation in its leaves.

If you forget often, place your plant in a lower light or more humid location to retain moisture.


Marble queen pothos usually does well in a wide range of soil types as long as the soil drains well and is sandy. Most plant stores and greenhouses carry standard indoor potting soil, which is commonly used for growing these plants.

However, you can also mix your own soil by mixing one part potting soil, one part perlite, and one part orchid bark. This will give you a mixture that is light and airy and will help your pothos grow.


Marble queen pothos like to be watered regularly, but they can also handle periods of drought, so don’t worry if you forget to water them once in a while. The best time to water them is when the top 2 to 3 inches of soil are dry.

Temperature and Humidity

Marble queen pothos are excellent houseplants because they thrive in regular household temperatures and humidity levels.

Keep in mind that they are not hardy in colder climates, and protect them from temperatures of less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius).

Even though it’s not necessary, giving your marble queen pothos a little extra humidity will help it grow strong and fast.

They do well in humid places like kitchens and bathrooms, but you can also put them near a humidifier or on a pebble tray to give them a little extra moisture.


Fertilizer is recommended but not necessary for marble queen pothos. As long as they are planted in a pot with loamy soil, they should have all the nutrients they need to grow.

However, it’s never a bad idea to fertilize them regularly during the growing season in order to promote healthy growth. If you want to do so, you can give your marble queen pothos a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the spring and summer.


Pothos usually doesn’t need to be pruned, but you can keep your plant looking full and bushy by trimming the long vines hard every few months. The stem tip clippings can be used to easily propagate new plants.

Dividing or Repotting

Marble queen pothos doesn’t mind being rootbound and crammed into its pot. But if you observe the leaves drooping significantly even after watering and roots protruding from the drainage hole, it’s likely that the plant’s roots are too tightly bound, causing the soil to dry out too quickly.

The majority of plants will be just fine in their original container for up to a year. To determine if your plant requires a larger container, feel the soil and observe whether it is loose or compact. It might be time to repot your marble queen pothos if the soil feels very firm.

epipremnum aureum marble queen pothos

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

How to Plant and Grow Marble Queen Pothos

How to Propagate Marble Queen Pothos

Stem cuttings of marble queen pothos are an easy way to promote fuller growth in an established plant or to start new plants to give as gifts.

To begin propagating, select cuttings from the plant’s stem with a minimum of four or five nodes. Make sure to leave at least two leaves at the top of each cutting and remove the bottom two or three to reveal the nodes.

Next, place your cuttings in a glass jar filled with water. Ensure that the bottoms of the cuttings are under the water and the leaves on top are above the water.

Keep the water fresh by replacing it weekly and placing the jars in a spot that receives medium to bright indirect light. After two to three weeks in water, the cuttings should begin to develop roots.

The cuttings can be replanted in soil once the roots are at least an inch long. They can be replanted with the original plant or used to start new ones. Plant the cuttings in soil that has been pre-moistened and pat them down firmly.

To help the cuttings reacclimate to soil, plant them in a spot that receives medium to bright indirect light and water them regularly for the first one to two weeks after planting.

How to Repot Marble Queen Pothos

To ensure that the plant is prepared for repotting, make sure to thoroughly water it the day before. To repot, start by turning the plant sideways while holding the stems firmly to free it from the pot you’re moving it from.

Next, tap the base of the container until the plant and soil become dislodged and can be removed. The roots need to be carefully spread, so loosen the soil around the plant.

Fill the pot with fresh potting soil and place the plant so that the roots are no more than an inch below the rim. Fill in the empty spaces around the plant’s roots and add a little more soil to the center of the pot. Compact the soil by gently pressing down on it while keeping the pothos upright and centered.

Water the newly potted plant thoroughly in the sink until all the extra water is freely draining out the drainage hole. Place your marble queen pothos in a location with low to bright indirect light and moderate to high humidity, and you’ve successfully repotted your marble pothos!

potted marble green pothos plant

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases for Marble Queen Pothos

Common houseplant pests like spider mites, mealybugs, scale, and fungus gnats, as well as root rot, can all affect marble queen pothos.

Regularly inspecting your plant for signs of pests is the most effective method for preventing severe infestations. Root rot can be prevented by not overwatering your plant and by using a pot with good drainage.

Common Problems With Marble Queen Pothos

In most situations, marble queen pothos plants are problem-free houseplants that require little in the way of care and upkeep.

However, problems may arise if you do not water your plant properly or if it does not receive sufficient light.

Three typical issues with marble queen pothos include browning leaves, yellowing leaves, and leaf curling.

Browning Leaves

Typically, under-watering or low humidity causes leaves to turn brown. Make sure to water your pothos frequently, and keep it away from overly dry areas like those near drafty windows or heating vents. It can also be brought on by sun damage or overwatering.

Yellow Leaves

Overwatering, too much direct sunlight, or insufficient sunlight can all cause the leaves of your marble queen pothos to turn yellow.

In order to narrow down the possible causes, you should evaluate how you’ve been caring for your plant up until this point.

Leaf Curling

Excessive direct sunlight can cause leaves to curl and die. Underwatering or overwatering are other potential causes.

If you see leaves curling, check the soil. If the soil is too dry, water your plant and put it in a pot with a drain.

Alternately, if the soil is too wet, repot your plant in new potting soil and wait to water it until the soil has completely dried out.


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Types of Pothos: 15 Varieties to Consider Growing Today

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