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How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Monstera Albo

Monstera Albo Leaf

Monstera Albo is a subspecies of the popular monstera deliciosa. With its white variegation and long striped stems, this plant has become one of the hottest varieties for plant enthusiasts.

It’s a stunning plant that brings a touch of tropical beauty to any home or garden. With its unique variegated leaves, it has become a highly sought-after plant among indoor plant enthusiasts.

It is no wonder why this plant is on everyone’s most wanted list, but before you make the decision to buy one of these plants, take time to understand and learn what you need to know about caring for your monstera albo.

As a master gardener, I’ve loved this stunning variety since I first came across it a decade ago. I’ve had years of experience caring for it since then, and in this article, I’ll share it all with you! I’ll cover everything to know about the monstera albo, from growing conditions to propagation, from its variegation to troubleshooting common problems.

Botanical Name: Monstera Deliciosa ‘Albo Variegata’

Common Name: Monstera albo, variegated monster, Swiss Cheese Plant, Windowleaf

Family: Araceae

Plant Type: Perennial

Hardiness Zones: 9-11 USDA

Sun Exposure: Partial

Soil Type: Moist but well-draining

Soil pH: Acidic, Neutral

Height: 10 ft. tall, 3 ft. wide (indoors) 30 ft. tall, 5 ft. wide (outdoors)

Bloom Time: Spring, summer

Flower Color: Green and cream

Native Area: Central America

Monstera Albo

What is a Monstera Albo?

The variegated monstera albo is an elusive and rare plant that many plant lovers collect, adore, and use as an ornamental plant. This tropical plant is native to South and Central America and is recognized by its heart-shaped, variegated leaves.

Unlike most monsteras, such as the monstera adansonii, this plant has large white (or cream) splashes naturally occur on its split leaves. These patches do not contain chlorophyll as typical green leaves because they do not undergo photosynthesis. Although this plant’s leaves do not undergo photosynthesis, they should not be hindered from getting tons of sunlight and love.

This plant’s sections contain mutated cells and do not allow the plant to absorb sunlight as the green parts of the plant do. This variegated monstera plant is different from the Monstera Thai Constellation (which is lab-created) because the Monstera Thai Constellation has a stable variegation, meaning it will always grow with variegation on all its leaves.

Monstera Albo Care

Monstera Albo, also known as Variegated Monstera, is a stunning plant with unique variegated leaves that feature splashes of white or cream. It is a highly sought-after plant among collectors and plant enthusiasts due to its striking appearance.

Native to the rainforests of Central and South America, Monstera Albo is a tropical plant that thrives in warm and humid conditions. By replicating its natural habitat, you can create the perfect environment for your Monstera Albo to flourish.

Caring for this tropical plant can be somewhat tricky. This is because they need lots of care and attention. This plant’s care involves sufficient watering, light, and a humid environment.

Below, you will find practical tips that will help you care for your monstera plant.


Monstera Albo prefers bright, indirect light. Place it near a window where it can receive a few hours of bright, filtered light each day. Six to seven hours of filtered light is recommended for this plant to keep it variegated.

Keeping monstera plants out of harsh direct sunlight is essential as their variegated white leaves are extra sensitive to sunburn.

Monstera plants generally do not thrive in low light conditions, so if this monstera plant does not receive enough light, it will start to lose its variegation patterns.

If you notice that your Monstera Albo isn’t getting enough light, you can supplement it with artificial lighting. Use a grow light that emits a spectrum similar to natural sunlight to provide the necessary light for photosynthesis.

It’s important to rotate your Monstera Albo every few weeks to ensure even growth. This will prevent the plant from leaning towards the light source and becoming lopsided.


A nutritious, rich, well-draining soil mix is essential for this plant. A soil mix of equal parts of orchid bark, perlite, coco coir, and peat moss will provide sufficient nutrients and proper drainage that this monstera plant requires.

Adding a layer of sphagnum moss on top of the soil can help retain moisture and create a humid microclimate around the plant’s roots, mimicking its natural habitat.

Mixing natural fertilizers such as worm castings is also a good addition, providing an extra boost.


Although it may look like a delicate plant, monstera albo does much better in drier than moist soil.

If overwatered, Monstera Albo are susceptible to root rot and fungus gnats. So it’s essential to let the top 2 inches of soil dry between waterings.

You can ensure this by placing your finger in the soil. If it’s dry, you should water thoroughly and allow the excess water to drain from the pot’s drainage holes.

During the growing season, your Monstera Albo might require more frequent watering. Monitor the soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Using filtered or distilled water is recommended, as Monstera Albo is sensitive to chlorine and other chemicals commonly found in tap water. If tap water is your only option, let it sit overnight to allow the chlorine to dissipate before watering your plant.


As previously mentioned, the monstera albo is a tropical rainforest plant, meaning that it naturally thrives in humid climates and warm temperatures.

While this plant thrives in moist environments, it does not need high humidity.

Monstera albo should do fine in most homes, where humidity levels can sit around 20%-65% throughout the year. However, the more humid it is, the happier your plant will be.

Grouping humid-loving and aroid plants should help, but a humidifier will always yield the best results. Misting the leaves occasionally can also help increase humidity, but avoid misting excessively as it can lead to fungal diseases.


Monstera albo thrives in warm temperatures (65ºF to 80ºF).

This plant is not a fan of low temperatures, so to attain the ideal temperature for your monstera albo plant, keep it away from drafty windows and air vents.

Monstera albo only thrives at 9b-11 USDA hardiness zone. So, if you want to grow this plant outdoors, you should bring it inside during cold months to avoid damage to its foliage, growth, and development.


Since monstera albo are not heavy feeders, fertilizer is given at least once a month, but you can increase its application during the active growing season (summer and spring) to twice a month.

A liquid fertilizer with balanced fertilizer radio 20-20-20 is typically used. This fertilizer will keep your plant happy and healthy.

It’s advisable to flush the soil with plain water every 2-3 months to remove any excess salts that can build up from fertilizers. This process helps prevent nutrient imbalances and keeps the soil fresh and well-draining.

Remember to withhold fertilizer during the plant’s dormant period, typically in winter, as it requires less nutrients during this time.

Monstera Albo House Plant

Types of Monstera Albo

Within the Monstera Albo family, there are several variations, each with its own distinctive characteristics and charm.

Monstera deliciosa ‘Albo Borsigiana’: Monstera Albo Borsigiana is one of the most sought-after types of Monstera Albo. It is highly regarded for its large, heart-shaped leaves that are adorned with beautiful variegation that can vary from plant to plant. Some may have more prominent white patches, while others may showcase delicate speckles of white throughout the green foliage.

Monstera deliciosa ‘Albo Variegata’: This particular type is known for its striking white variegation that covers a significant portion of the leaves, creating a captivating contrast against the deep green backdrop. The variegation on the Monstera Albo Variegata can take various forms, ranging from large patches of white to delicate streaks that run along the leaf veins.

Monstera deliciosa ‘Marbled Albo’: This is the rarest variety that features distinct splotches of white and green with deeply split leaves that are absolutely breathtaking.

Monstera Albo Propagation

Monstera albo can only be propagated by stem cuttings.

Since its white variegation is naturally occurring, propagating this monstera plant is the only way to produce more unique plants.

Propagation of monstera plants is simple yet time-consuming. Since the process may take a bit longer, practicing patience is best for you and your stem cuttings.

The steam cutting(s) should have at least one or two exposed nodes at the bottom and at least one leaf at the top.

  1. Pick a medium to root your cutting. You can choose water, sphagnum moss, perlite, or leca.
  2. Place your chosen medium in a container. Note that any medium should be premoistened and constantly remain damp throughout the rooting process.
  3. Add your cutting to the container, ensuring that the bottom exposed notes are submerged, and the top leaves lay at the top.
  4. Place your cutting(s) where it can receive bright indirect light.
  5. After a couple of weeks, you should notice the roots begin to grow.
  6. If you’re rooting your cutting in water, change it once a week.
  7. Once the roots are 2 to 3 inches long, transfer them into a pre-moisten, rich, well-draining potting mix.
  8. Place your potted cuttings where they can receive adequate lighting.
  9. Return your potted cuttings to bright, indirect light and keep the soil evenly moist for the first one to two weeks to help the plant acclimate.

Monstera Albo Leaves

Potting and Repotting Monstera Albo

Choosing the right pot and repotting your Monstera Albo is not only essential for its growth and wellbeing, but it can also be a fun and rewarding process.

When it comes to selecting a pot, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, it’s important to choose a pot with drainage holes. These holes allow excess water to escape, preventing waterlogging and ensuring that your Monstera’s roots don’t become waterlogged, which can lead to root rot.

Additionally, the size of the pot is also crucial. You want to choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one, allowing room for your Monstera’s roots to grow and expand. However, avoid going too big too soon, as a pot that is too large can lead to overwatering and stagnant soil.

Now, let’s dive into the repotting process. Before repotting your Monstera Albo, it’s important to prepare the new pot and soil. Start by selecting a high-quality potting soil that is well-draining and rich in nutrients. This will provide your Monstera with the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.

When it’s time to repot, gently remove your Monstera Albo from its current pot. Gently loosen the root ball by gently teasing the roots apart with your fingers. This will help stimulate root growth and prevent them from becoming root-bound. Be careful not to damage or break any roots during this process.

Next, carefully place your Monstera Albo in the new pot, ensuring that it sits at the same depth as it was in the previous pot. You want to avoid burying the stem too deep or leaving it exposed above the soil line. Finding the right balance is crucial for your Monstera’s overall health and stability.

Once your Monstera is in the new pot, fill the remaining space with fresh potting soil. Gently press the soil down around the roots to secure your plant and provide stability. Avoid compacting the soil too tightly, as this can hinder water drainage and air circulation.

After repotting, it’s important to water your Monstera thoroughly. This will help settle the soil and ensure that the roots make good contact with the new soil. However, be mindful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. Keep an eye on the moisture levels and adjust your watering routine accordingly.

Remember, repotting your Monstera Albo is not a one-time event. As your plant grows, it will eventually outgrow its current pot and require repotting again. Keep an eye on the size of your Monstera’s root system and the overall health of the plant to determine when it’s time for a new pot.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases for Monstera Albo

While Monstera Albo is generally a resilient plant, it is susceptible to certain pests and diseases. Common pests include spider mites, mealybugs, fungus gnats, thrips, and aphids.

Regularly inspect your plant for any signs of infestation, such as small webs, yellowing leaves, or sticky residue. Treat the affected areas with insecticidal soap or neem oil to eliminate the pests.

When dealing with spider mites, it is important to act quickly as they reproduce rapidly. Inspect the plant thoroughly, paying close attention to the undersides of the leaves.

If you notice any signs of infestation, isolate the affected plant to prevent the pests from spreading to other plants. Use a solution of insecticidal soap or neem oil and apply it to the affected areas, making sure to cover both the tops and undersides of the leaves. Repeat the treatment every few days until the infestation is completely eradicated.

Root rot and leaf spot are common plant diseases that can affect Monstera Albo.

To prevent root rot, it is important to water your Monstera Albo properly. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. Ensure that the pot has drainage holes and use a well-draining soil mix. Avoid overwatering and remove any excess water that accumulates in the saucer.

To prevent leaf spot, provide adequate air circulation around your plant. Avoid overcrowding your indoor garden and place a fan nearby to promote air movement.

If you notice any signs of leaf spot, remove the affected leaves and improve air circulation.

Monstera Albo: Common Problems

If you have experience growing other types of monstera plants, caring for a monstera albo should be easy.

Although, as with any houseplant, there are common issues you may run into while growing this tropical plant.

Brown leaves

Brown leaves are a common sign of underwatering, sunburn, and lack of humidity.

This monstera plant is susceptible to brown patches compared to other all-green monstera plants.

Yellow leaves

Yellow leaves indicate something’s off in your monstera albo’s growing conditions or environment.

This sign could indicate a lack of light, underwatering, overwatering, and improper fertilization.

To fix this problem, you need to keep a close eye on your plant’s environmental conditions.

Dropping leaves

If your monstera albo is displaying drooping, limp leaves, it could mean a few different things.

First, your tropical plant may be in shock, especially if it’s still acclimating to its new space.

Provide your plant with plenty of humidity and adequate temperatures, which is what it’s accustomed to in its natural habitat.

If your monstera albos is established in your home and it still has droopy leaves, it may be underwatered or has possibly developed root rot.

Monstera Albo Toxicity for Pets and Humans

Monstera Albo is toxic to both humans and animals.

The level of toxicity this plant causes depends on the amount ingested.

This monstera plant (and most monstera plants, for that matter) contain raphides (sharp oxalate crystals) which can cause severe irritation, burning sensation around the mouth area, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Contact poison control if any pet or human has accidentally ingested it.


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