Are you ready to take your plant collection to the next level? Meet the Jessenia Pothos, the unique and striking plant that’s sure to wow you. With its glossy, heart-shaped leaves in shades of green and gold, the Jessenia Pothos is a true showstopper. This rare variety of pothos is a must-have for any plant enthusiast looking for something out of the ordinary. Not only is it visually stunning, but it’s also easy to care for, making it a low-maintenance addition to any home or office.
If you want to start growing this plant and need help knowing where to start or how to take care of it, this guide is for you.
Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Jessenia.’
Common Name: Jessenia pothos
Family: Araceae
Plant Type: Perennial, vine
Hardiness Zones: 10-12 USDA
Sun Exposure: Partial
Soil Type: Moist but well-drained
Soil pH: Acidic
Height: 10 ft. long (indoors), 30 ft. long (outdoors)
Bloom Time: Spring and summer
Flower Color: Green, white
Native Area: South East Asia
What’s a Jessenia Pothos?
Jessenia Pothos is a member of the Araceae family with origins in Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Australia, and French Polynesia, and can be found growing in the wild, winding up rainforest trees, or on the forest floor. Jessenia Pothos is a unique cultivar of the wild Pothos family, which has been bred to have chartreuse speckles and deep green leaves.
Jessenia Pothos is one of the plant enthusiasts’ favorites with its heart-shaped leaves. This pothos plant can grow well in different environmental conditions, but it is considered a slow grower (compared to other pothos) due to its variegation.
Without a doubt, Jessenia Pothos is one of the most tried and true houseplants for most indoor plant lovers.
Jessenia Pothos Care
Like all pothos varieties, Jessenia pothos is known for being hardy and easy to grow. This pothos plant was introduced to the US in 2014 as a marble queen pothos variety, to which it has many similarities. Although pothos plants have similar needs, Jessenia Pothos requires more light than other pothos varieties, such as jade or golden pothos, to support its green variegation.
Similar to most of its Epipremnum genus relatives, this pothos does not flower indoors. While it may produce small, inconspicuous flowers in its native habitat, the Jessenia Pothos and other Pothos varieties typically do not flower when grown as houseplants. The good news is that this means you don’t have to worry about any potentially harmful pollen or other allergy triggers, making the Jessenia Pothos a safe and enjoyable addition to your indoor space. Plus, with its stunning foliage and easy care requirements, you’ll hardly even miss the flowers.
Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or just starting out, the Jessenia Pothos is a great choice for your indoor jungle. With its adaptable nature and low-maintenance requirements, this plant is sure to thrive in almost any environment. However, like all plants, the Jessenia Pothos still needs some TLC to reach its full potential. Don’t worry, though – taking care of this beauty is a breeze. Keep reading for our top tips on how to keep your Jessenia Pothos healthy and happy.
As you could’ve imagined, this tropical plant likes bright indirect light and can not handle harsh direct light. Too much sunlight can result in scorched leaves or leaf burnt, whereas too little light can result in legginess and loss of the plant’s green variegation. Being a variegated cultivar, the Jessenia Pothos is prone to lose its marble-like appearance if they’re under very low light conditions. If you’re looking for a pothos for a dark area, opt for the Jade Pothos instead.
Like all of its relatives, Jessenia Pothos plants prefer being watered once the top one to two inches of solid have dried out. However, Pothos plants are known for being somewhat drought tolerant and can survive occasional neglect when it comes to watering. Cut back on watering when your plant enters dormancy during fall and winter, as it is not actively growing.
Being a tropical plant, Jessenia Pothos love high humidity environments, although it can adapt quite well to low-humidity conditions. Keep your Jessenia pothos plant’s humidity levels between 50%-70% for optimal growth. If your house cannot meet your plant’s humidity needs, you can place them in the bathroom with higher humidity levels or near a humidifier to keep them healthy and happy.
Although Jessenia Pothis can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, it grows best between 65°F and 75°F. Being a tropical plant, this pothos plant is fond of low temperatures, so keep in mind that this plant is likely to die below 50°F.
This Pothos variety requires a soil mixture that retains enough water but is still well-draining. While this tropical plant can survive in pure potting soil for some time, a combination of equal parts of perlite and potting soil and a bit of orchid bark is the perfect mix to prevent soil compaction.
This Pothos plant grows best with regular fertilization during the active growing season. Add a balanced liquid fertilizer once or twice a month during spring and summer, and stop fertilizing during fall and winter as the plant goes into dormancy.
Jessenia Pothos Propagation
Stem cuttings can easily propagate this pothos plant. While you can technically do this any time of the year, it’s best to reproduce your Jessenia Pothos during its active growing season (spring and summer). While propagating your plant, remember that each cutting must have at least one or two nodes along the stem; this is where the new roots and leaves will grow. This means that pothos plants cannot be propagated using just a leaf and its petiole. Follow these simple steps to propagate your Jessenia Pothos.
- Using a pair of clean scissors or pruning shears, take one or as many stem cuttings from a healthy Jessenia.
- Ensure that each cutting has between two to four nodes and leaves.
- Remove a couple of leaves from each cutting’s bottom, so the steam is bare.
- Prepare a jar of water (avoid tap water)and place the cutting in so that the bare stem is submerged and the leaves are above the water’s surface.
- Place the cuttings where they can receive bright indirect light and change the water at least once a week to keep it fresh and clean.
- After a couple of weeks, you should be able to see tiny white roots growing from the submerged nodes. Once these roots are at least 2 inches long, you can plant the cuttings.
- Prepare a pot with a well-draining soil mix and add the new cuttings into the soil, patting down gently around the roots.
- Water the newly planted cuttings thoroughly until the water drains from the pot’s drainage holes.
- Place the cuttings where they can receive bright indirect light and keep the soil evenly moist for the first 10 to 15 days to help the cuttings acclimate to their new soil conditions.
Jessenia Pothos Common Problems
Like most pothos varieties, Jessenia Pothos is known for being low maintenance and somewhat hassle free. However, it is possible to encounter some difficulties when caring for them. Keep an eye out for these common issues.
Yellow Leaves
Yellow leaves can be caused by different things: underwatering, overwatering, lack of light, and lack of humidity. Admittedly, it can be tricky to figure out which of these are causing your plant’s leaves to turn yellow, but a close look at your Jessenia’s growing conditions may help you narrow it down.
Brown Leaves
Brown leaves are a common sign that your Jessenia Pothos lacks moisture and is drying out; while pothos generally can withstand a little drought, they thrive best with consistent watering. Water your plants once the top 1-2 inches of soil have dried.
Stunted Growth
Compared to its pothos relatives, Jessenia pothos grows a bit slower. This being said, if you think your Jessenia is suffering from stunted growth, it may be caused by a lack of light. Ensure your Pothos plant receives several hours of bright indirect light daily to encourage happy and healthy development. You can also try fertilizing your plant to kickstart growth.
Root rot
Root rot is caused by overwatering, so reducing the water frequency might help. If you water your Jessenia properly by allowing the top two inches of soil dry in between waterings, the pot might need better drainage. Check your pot’s drainage holes to see if excess water can escape.
Like all houseplants, you may find scales, mites, thrips, mealybugs, and different pests on your Jessenia Pothos plants from time to time. You can use insecticide, insecticidal soap, or neem oil to get rid of them.
Bacterial wilt disease
Bacterial wilt disease can be a devastating blow to any plant, including your beloved pothos.
Unfortunately, if the disease has progressed too far, there may be little you can do to save your plant. In this case, removing the affected plant is best to prevent further spread and protect any nearby greenery.
However, prevention is key when it comes to bacterial wilt disease. You can help keep your pothos (and other plants) safe and healthy by taking a few simple steps.
Sanitizing your gardening tools regularly is one effective way to prevent the spread of disease. By taking the time to clean and disinfect your tools, you’ll reduce the risk of transferring harmful bacteria from one plant to another. With a bit of proactive care, you can help ensure that your pothos (and all your plants) stay happy and thriving.
Loss of variegation
One of the most common issues plant owners face is a loss of variegation or color in their pothos. This can be a sign that your plant isn’t getting enough light to meet its needs.
Fortunately, the fix is simple – just give your pothos a brighter spot to call home. Placing your plant in an area with more natural light will help it soak up the energy it needs to thrive.
Not only will this help restore its vibrant coloring, but it will also promote healthy growth overall.
So if you’re noticing your pothos looking a little lackluster, don’t despair – just find a sunny new spot and watch it come back to life.
Loss of leaves
If your Jessenia Pothos is losing its leaves, it probably means it is overwatered. Ensure your plant’s soil remains moist but not soggy; you can also water your plant less frequently.
Leaf margins blackening
This is a common sign of overwatering, a buildup of salts, or inadequate watering. Change your watering technique and fertilizer to fix this problem.
Brown patches on leaves
Brown patches are caused mainly by low temperatures or radical temperature changes.
This is due to the plant being exposed to lower temperatures or extreme temperature changes.
To prevent this, keep your indoor plant’s temperature, environment, and humidity consistent.
Brown edges
Brown edges on the leaves occur when the root ball has dried out due to a lack of watering during the active growing season.
Brown edges can also indicate leaf burn from too much direct sunlight.
Jessenia Pothos Toxicity
Like all Epipremnum genus plants, the Jesseina Pothos can be toxic for humans and pets due to its concentration of calcium oxalate crystals.
Make sure you keep your Jessenia plant (and all pothos varieties, for that matter) out of reach from pets and children.
If someone ingested this plant, seek medical help or call poison control immediately.
Other Indoor Plant Guides from Planet Natural:
Types of Pothos: 15 Varieties to Consider Growing Today
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