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  • How to treat weevils in pecan tree?

    Created by William Kanoa on

    I need to get rid of pecan weevils. I have one pecan tree. What do you recommend for this problem?

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  • #249619

    Eric Vinje

    Hi William –

    The following is taken from our Pecan Weevil Control page, which can be found here https://www.planetnatural.com/pest-problem-solver/tree-pests/pecan-weevil-control/.

    Spread in bands around the base of trees, Tanglefoot® Pest Barrier will prevent adult weevils from reaching the nuts on which they feed.

    Beneficial nematodes are microscopic, worm-like parasites that actively hunt, penetrate and destroy pecan weevil larvae in the soil. Applications should be made around the base of trees, out to the drip line — or a little farther.

    Azatrol EC contains azadirachtin, the key insecticidal ingredient found in neem oil. This broad spectrum, organic spray disrupts growth and development of pest insects and has repellent and anti-feedant properties. Best of all, it’s non-toxic to honey bees and many other beneficial insects.

    Growers with only a few trees can place tarps under the canopy during August, especially several days after a rain, and jar the limbs to shake adults free. Weevils that fall will remain still for several minutes and can be collected and destroyed in a bucket of soapy water. This technique can be repeated until mid-September or until no weevils are found.

    Apply fast-acting botanical insecticides after 6 weevils are jarred from a single tree. Normally, three to five sprays every 5-7 days are required. These natural pesticides will also prevent egg laying by adults, if applied soon after adults emerge.

    Hope it helps!

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