Hi Charles –
Home gardeners are discovering that fresh asparagus is far superior to anything they can purchase in stores. Best of all, starting an asparagus patch is easy! Here are some tips and techniques to follow:
• Plant in well-drained, sandy soil to avoid rot
• Wait 2-3 years after planting to harvest first crop
• Give plenty of space, since plants will grow 4-6 feet tall
• For best production, mulch well throughout the year
• Perennial that grows best in hardiness zones 4-8
• Common pests and diseases are aphids, beetles and rust
Asparagus requires a good all-purpose organic fertilizer to thrive. For this, we strongly recommend adding Dr. Earth Premium Gold All Purpose Fertilizer in the spring. This slow-release plant food is easy to broadcast and well suited for vegetables, flowers, potted plants and all types of shrubs and trees. Use 1-1/3 cups for every 10 sq ft of growing area, or 6 cups for every 50 ft of planting row. Gently work into the soil and water well.
In the fall, we recommend adding a nice amount of rock phosphate to your beds. This natural source of phosphorus and calcium provides both short and long term benefits and will improve asparagus production and vigor the following season. Broadcast 50 lbs per 1,000 square feet or side dress around existing plants. Mix thoroughly for best results.
Adding a 2-4 inch layer of compost as a mulch (top-dressing) will help suppress weeds and replenish your soil.
Hope it helps!