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  • #175906

    I have daisies being decimated by Earwigs and on another site I found the other culprit- the Asiatic Garden Beetle. I can’t find any info on them on your site. Overnight they are eating every flower that has bloomed. In the am I have to go out and cut off all the damaged flowers. Tonight I saw a baby mantis but I dont know if they even eat those 2 bugs. I need to treat these plants asap but I do not want to kill any of the good bugs, especially any Mantis, I love those! Please provide me options in addition to purchasing more Mantis. Also will the Mantis kill ladybug bc I may order both. Thanks

    Eric Vinje

    Michelle –

    It looks like the larvae stage of the Asiatic Garden Beetle lives below the surface of the soil feeding on roots as they mature, therefore beneficial nematodes would be an ideal solution. Eggs also need an ample amount of moisture to mature, so restricting irrigation could be an ideal solution as well.

    As for praying mantis, eat various types of beetles, so I don’t see how this one would be an exception. We have sold out of mantis this year, but will have more in stock after the new year.


    Hope this helps!

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