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Gardens & Landscaping

Few pursuits are as rewarding as growing your own organic gardens. Not only do you get to enjoy the fruits of your own labor, but you have the satisfaction of knowing that the produce you are eating was grown free of chemicals, pesticides and herbicides. Growing organicallyย produces healthy, more diverse ecosystems which are better able to resist significant pest damage... naturally!

Beneficial Insects

Pollinators & pest control

Indoor Gardens

from greenhouses to grow closets

3,500 hand selected products

100% safe & effective

Hummingbird flying to feeder
Attracting & Feeding Birds

Easiest Hummingbird Food Recipe: Ideal Ratio Plus Handy Tips

Attract the flutter and flash of hummingbirds to your garden by preparing and offering them homemade hummingbird food. Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures, known for their rapid wingbeat, iridescent plumage, and insatiable appetite for sweet nectar. Providing them with a homemade

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