The flowers and vegetables that your grandparents grew! Heirloom garden seeds have been passed from generation to generation, some for hundreds of years, and are untouched by chemical or genetic modification. Perfect for seed saving – they breed true – they yield classic, best-loved flowers and tastiest vegetables of the sort you won’t find in the supermarket. Many are condition-specific, disease resistant, and gourmet favorites. Start a family tradition.
Ask questions and share information here on our heirloom blog or over at our Seed Starting Forum. They’re both great places to ensure that your flowers, herbs and vegetables get off to a healthy start.
February the first marks the kickoff of a new gardening season.
Planting heirlooms can preserve genetic diversity and enhance global food security.
Starting plants from seed just might be the second most enjoyable act of procreation you’ll ever experience.
There are many reasons for growing heirloom flowers, herbs and vegetables. Preserving seed diversity is one.
Advantages and disadvantages of using hybrid seed in the home vegetable garden.
All the seed saving tips and techniques you need to know for next year's planting.
Practical and aesthetic reasons for growing America's heritage vegetables.
The guerrilla gardening movement has blossomed as it's moved from the underground into the light of day.
How to know when your garden soil is ready for planting.
Seedlings raised indoors need to be acclimated before transplanting outdoors. Here's how.