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Spring, summer, autumn, and even winter bring beauty to the garden. Whether you're growing vegetables or flowers, fruit or nursery stock, indoor crops or for market, planning your garden care throughout the year starts here. We've got you covered on advice and equipment, from planting the first seed to harvesting the bounty.

Beneficial Insects

Pollinators & pest control

Indoor Gardens

from greenhouses to grow closets

3,500 hand selected products

100% safe & effective

A close-up photo of home grown marjoram with white flower blossoming in the garden

10 Herbs That Absolutely Thrive in Fall

Spring is often seen as the go-to time for planting many garden plants, but donโ€™t forget that late summer and fall are also great times to plant trees, shrubs, perennials, and herbs! And yes, herbs can definitely be grown in

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