According to Science Direct, plants and flowers not only liven up a space but also provide relaxing and purifying benefits that can promote a healthy sleeping pattern. Filling the space where you sleep with plants can reduce anxiety and stress and create a pleasant environment for a restful night’s sleep.
Here are the 12 best plants to help you sleep better at night:
Lavender is probably one of the most popular plants known to induce sleep and reduce anxiety levels. According to the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, “lavender increases the percentage of deep or slow-wave sleep (SWS) in men and women. All subjects reported higher vigor the morning after lavender exposure, corroborating the restorative SWS increase”.
Aloe Vera
Like the peace lily, aloe vera is one of NASA’s top air-filtering plants. It emits oxygen at night, which promotes a more restful slumber. Besides this fantastic benefit, it is a hardy plant that is easy to care for, thrives when left alone, and requires minimal watering.
Snake Plant
Besides being hardy and easy to care for, snake plants are among NASA’s recommended plants to improve indoor air quality. What’s excellent about snake plants is that they emit oxygen during the night while simultaneously taking in carbon dioxide; this process leads to an increase in pure air quality and a better night’s sleep. Snake plants also filter out nasty common household toxins like benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde.
Gerbera Daisies
Gerbera daisies are bright, cheerful flowers that can put anyone in a good mood. They come in various colors, making them a great addition to any room. Besides being visually appealing, Gerbera daisies release oxygen at night, facilitating breathing when you sleep. Gerbera daisies are great for people who suffer from allergies or apnea.
Bamboo Palm
Bamboo palm is a great air purifier. Instead of using chemical-laden air fresheners, you can use these plants to say goodbye to toxins and odd smells. Bamboo palm lets you enjoy your home’s fresh air, making it another NASA favorite.
English Ivy
Considered one of NASA’s top air-purifying plants, English ivy is an easy-to-grow plant that has been shown to relieve asthma and allergy symptoms, impacting the quality and quantity of sleep. A 2005 study made by The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology reports that this plant removed 94% of airborne feces and over 70% of airborne mold!
Spider Plant
Spider plants are a champion cleanser of air. A NASA study discovered that a healthy spider plant could remove around 99% of potentially cancer-causing chemicals (formaldehyde) from the air. Since formaldehyde can be found in everyday household items, such as adhesives, keeping a spider plant around is a good idea. Besides cleaning the air, spider plants absorb odors and sustain oxygen levels, promoting better sleep.
Gardenia has beautifully scented blossoms and glossy evergreen leaves, making it a popular bedroom choice. According to Phytomedicine, several studies show gardenias can increase sleep quality, and their properties can be as effective as Valium in promoting sleep and relieving anxiety.
Valerian is a perennial plant with scented white or pink flowers that bloom all summer. Its roots have been used as a tonic or tea since ancient times, and Roman physician and philosopher Galen prescribed it for insomnia. According to the National Institutes of Health, drinking tea from valerian roots or eating valerian supplements can help you fall asleep quicker and sleep more soundly.
Golden Pothos
Golden pothos is a beautiful plant with marbled, heart-shaped leaves that, according to NASA, is an exceptional air-purifying plant. People with busy lifestyles will love this ivy-like vine, as it promotes better sleep while also being low-maintenance to care for.
Jasmine is an exotic plant with gentle and soothing effects on our minds and bodies. A 2010 study by Science Daily revealed that jasmine plants could reduce anxiety levels, promoting better sleep quality. WebMD points out that not only does jasmine help you get to sleep, but drinking jasmine tea can also positively affect your alertness and productivity throughout the day.
Peace Lily
According to the NASA Clean Air Study, the peace lily is a beautiful plant that can filter out harmful components like trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde toxins. The peace lily’s moisture increases humidity levels and suppresses airborne microbes that lead to allergies while relieving dry throats and noses that can keep us awake at night.
This originally appeared on Planet Natural.