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  • Weeds coming through mulch

    Created by doglover on

    I have a few hundred feet of new bark mulch in my yard and the weeds are coming up fast, I can’t spray because my dogs roam free and like to eat grass and other green things. I thought after I put mulch down that it would cut down on the weeds coming up. Any suggestions?

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  • #13908


    All you need is to spray an organic or all-natural weed killer like horticultural vinegar. This will kill any plant, so if you have flowers or anything you don’t want to kill in the garden, make sure you don’t spray them. For future reference, you could put down corn gluten, which will kill the weed seed before it germinates. Also, when I recently did some landscaping around my house, I bought weed barrier from Planet Natural and laid that down first. It worked great and it allows water, air, and nutrients to pass through to the soil.


    Eric Vinje

    Hello –

    Mulch will control weeds, but when using bark make sure to put down a heavy layer — at least 3 inches thick. Wood chips and bark are not as compact as other organic mulches, say leaves or grass clippings, so more is needed to block out light and prevent weed seeds from sprouting. You can also cover the soil with a weed fabric or layer of newspaper/ cardboard prior to putting mulch down to really “block out” weeds. When working in landscaped areas, mulch around perennial flowers and don’t pile it too high around trees and shrubs. Still having trouble we offer a whole slew of organic weed control products here.

    Hope this helps!

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