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  • Wanted: grasshopper resistant plants, poison to hoppers

    Created by Anonymous on

    Does anyone know of any grasshopper resistant plants, hardy to zone four or colder? Also does anyone know plants that are poisonous to grasshoppers?

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  • #13850


    All I have found so far are Arsnick ferns, which also remove arsnick from the soil. I haven't found out how cold hardy they are, or who sells them, but do know the hoppers try to avoid them, and will die if they do eat them.


    Eric Vinje

    I do not know of any grasshopper resistant plants, or plants that are poisonous to solely grasshoppers. However, we do carry a product called semaspore bait, it contains a natural protozoa that attacks solely grasshoppers. Find it here!


    Hope this helps!

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