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  • Should I test my garden soil?

    Created by Mole Farmer on

    Last year my veggie garden didn’t work out the way I expected. It just wasn’t very productive and the veggies that I got certainly wouldn’t have won any prizes.

    I’ve been reading online and think that I should probably build up my garden soil (It’s pretty poor). I’ve also read that before I start I should get my soil tested…but, how do I do that???

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  • #13779


    Mole Farmer – To test your soil you can either purchase a soil test kit (many are available online) or send a sample off to a soil testing lab. The problem is most university soil testing labs don't provide practical fertilizer recommendations that can be used by organic growers. I did a quick Google search and came up with the following webpage: Alternative Soil Testing Laboratories. It's published by the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA) and offers references on soil testing and soil quality for growers using organic or sustainable methods. I hope this helps…


    Eric Vinje

    Hey Mole Farmer!

    We’re a big fan of A and L Western Laboratories. They offer a graphics analysis option that is great for visual learners, and can do a multitude of different tests for soil and soilless media alike. They also offer a recommendation option for a small added fee, which is a spectacular resource. The A and L Labs website has very specific instructions for packaging and shipping off your sample. If forgoing the test, try adding Blood Meal, Bone Meal and Sul-Po-Mag to your soil and incorporate to a depth of about 6 inches. These three amendments together should take care of replenishing most or all plant macro nutrients that are required for vigorous growth and production.

    Happy Planting!

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