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  • Applying RAW Nitrogen on Fescue

    Created by Stephen Qualls on

    On the RAW products, 2 oz makes 200 gallons, is it 20-0-0 per every 2 oz? So on a foliar spray on fescue for example…..when I am treating my property, I run the skid sprayer at a rate of 2 gallons per thousand sq ft, so 200 gallons round about treats 2.5 acres. How much of the RAW nitrogen would you recommend this fall? I live in Tennessee, zone 8.

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  • #213875

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Stephen –

    Yes! RAW Nitrogen is basically crystallized ammonium in soluble form. Based upon the 20-0-0 ratio listed when mixed properly the nutrient solution created should contain 20% nitrogen. This means that yes, 20% of every 2oz of water is plant available nitrogen. Fescue has a nitrogen recommendation of 1lb per 1000 sq ft. Dissolved nitrogen would make the water slightly heavier than the usual 1.04lb = 16fl oz. I’d think if you apply it at a rate of 16 fl oz per 1000sq ft. you should be good to go!

    Hope this helps!

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