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  • What do you recommend for my aphid infestation?

    Created by Susan on

    Hello, I have aphids reoccurring in late summer after your lovely ladybugs devoured the first batch. When and what would you recommend for my late aphid infestation? I also have them in my grow shed. Do you have any ideas for that?


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  • #158223

    Eric Vinje

    Susan –

    Aphids — a soft-bodied pest — are relatively easy to control using natural controls… the problem is they reproduce quickly! I recommend spot-treating with something short-lived in the environment (Insecticidal Soap, Diatomaceous Earth, etc) to provide a quick knockdown when necessary. This will also reduce the chances of your “good bugs” being harmed that are out there working to keep the pest population in check. Here’s a couple of links that will help!


    “When we kill off the natural enemies of a pest, we inherit their work.” – C.B Huffaker

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