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  • What’s the best digital ballast to buy?

    Created by potbound on

    I’m thinking of upgrading my old magnetic coil ballast to one of the new digital ballasts. But, before I spend the big bucks I have a couple of questions. Could somebody please help me out?

    1.) Of the two major brands (Lumatek or FutureBrite), which one is the best and why?

    2.) I’ve read that a 600 watt digital ballast puts out almost as much light as a 1000 watt magnetic coil ballast. Is this really true?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • #13750

    Mighty Mite

    I've got a couple LumaTek ballasts and wouldn't use anything else. The newest version has an unplugable cord which is a bonus and it's wrapped for RF noise. They also have the best warranty of all electronic ballasts, 5 years (I think). As far as which one is better, I'm not really sure. I have friends using FutureBrite's and they think their great.


    Potbound, the biggest difference between ballasts is that the old ones use copper coils that generate a whole bunch of noise and heat. They're also heavy. The new digital ballasts use electronic circuitry (no moving parts) that's much quieter, cooler and lighter.

    Also, most digital ballasts will burn both HPS and MH bulbs, have faster start up times, and improve lamp life. I switched over to digitals about a year ago and haven't looked back.


    Good news! I just found out that Lumatek's are finally available in 1000W, 240V.



    I want to buy 1000W & 600W HPS ballast, Galaxy, Futurebrite and Venturelighting, who can tell which one is best? and their warranty? Tks.



    Digital Ballasts are great. Ive been using them on newer HPS lights.
    Some brands are better than others.


    Eric Vinje

    Hello –

    Much has changed in the indoor grow world over the last 9 years. Please see the following link for the newest technology.


    Hope it helps!

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